1·When developing a process, you can use wf: variable to dynamically assign role information to tasks, as shown in Figure 3.
在开发一个流程时,您可以使用wf: variable动态地将角色信息分配给任务,如图3所示。
2·The Seller administrator role in the B2C organization allows her to assign roles in that organization; for example, to create new CSRs, CSSs, and new administrators.
在B2C组织中的Seller Administrator角色允许她分配该组织中的角色;例如,创建新的CSR、CSS和新的管理员。
3·Although these roles cannot be deleted, you can assign no, some, or all permissions to either role.
4·In addition, an administrator (or application deployer) must assign each role to the appropriate groups and users at deployment time, and maintain the mapping as groups and user change over time.
5·Assign a user to this role as shown in Figure 12.
6·After that, during the deployment, you have to assign a real user that is a member of the specified security role.
7·Assign the role you defined, as shown in Figure 10.
8·When actually performing this work in a project, a project manager can still decide whether to assign one person per role or to have that person perform several roles at the same time.
9·To assign a role within the collection to a topic.
10·A new capability in RMC, in contrast to previous versions of RUP, is your ability to assign a task more than one role.
并对比之前版本的RUP, RMC的一个新功能就是你可以设置一个多角色的任务。